Jarvis Brook Spiritual Centre
Welcome to our Centre Contact Us About Us Services Healing Spiritual Development

Welcome to Jarvis Brook Spiritual Centre, our services last for just over a one and a half hours with almost half of the time given over to a demonstration of mediumship by a guest medium.

Entry fee is £5.00 - The service begins with a short prayer. The congregation sings two songs during the service using music that most people would recognise. There is usually a short reading or lesson on something to do with spiritualism or events in the world. There is also a talk by the guest medium who use their inspiration or intuition to compose an uplifting address. Then the business of contacting the spirit world begins.  The medium works for about an hour if the energy is right with the guides that they work with; each medium has their own style of mediumship but all have one thing in common, they are all dedicated to giving help, love and support to everyone at the service.

Then there are some notices concerning next meetings, after the service there is a Raffle and Refreshments and time to chat to each other and church officials and ask any questions.

A spiritualist service is completely open and you can leave at any time if you feel that it is not for you.  The only thing we would ask is that, out of courtesy to others, you do not disturb or disrupt the service.  There is no guarantee that you will get a message at a service as there is a limited amount of time for mediumship.

Services for April 2023

Sunday 2 April 2023 6.30-8pm.

Medium for the evening is Glyn Davies

Sunday 16 April 2023 6.30-8pm.

Medium for the evening is  Michelle & Lee

Doors open 6 pm. Admission £5 at the door. this Includes refreshments.

Raffle tickets £1 a strip.

Everyone Welcome, More Info Call Marlene 07979 528 628